
You may come to the decision of divorce with ideas of what should or will happen. These beliefs may not always be accurate.

We all have our own image of what is right and fair. Rarely do both parties in a divorce share the same image. Much of this comes from the misconceptions, misunderstandings and lack of knowledge as to the reality of the divorce process, emotionally, financially, developmentally, psychologically and particularly - legally. The goal of Divorce Education is to help people going through separation and divorce with acceptance to the substance of truth in the divorcing process.

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Divorce education

The best way to be prepared for the life changing events that come with a separation or divorce is to have an education on the realities that you will be facing. No two divorces are alike. Beware of listening to what "happened" with a friend in their divorce and expect it to be the same for you. Of equal concern is all of the contradictory information found on the web. Some of it can be useful but much if it is biased and designed to sell you whatever they are pushing. A good rule of thumb is to stay with sites that have nothing to sell and are organizations that have little need for hidden agendas. Here are a few organizations that can help you sort through the misinformation on divorce.